Activity Booths and Exhibits > 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Sun Power
Can a little blue panel power a toy car? How does sunlight get captured and used as clean energy? Can you cook with the heat of the sun? Is sunlight free energy? Solar energy touches each and every one of us and humans have enjoyed its benefits for centuries.
Energy, Engineering, Technology
> New York Solar Energy Society
BioBus to the Microscopic World!
Catch an ant and magnify its eye 5000 times aboard the world’s only grease-powered mobile science lab. BioBus scientists will show this and much more, all powered by renewable energy. You’ll leave with your pictures from the BioBus microscopes as well as a desire to magnify everything around you. Every 30 mins. on 142nd Street.
Animals and Living Things, Biology, Biotechnology, Conservation and Sustainability , Health and Medicine, Innovation, Natural Sciences, Physics, Plant Sciences, Technology
> CellMotion BioBus> Follow on Twitter > Like on Facebook
IS 195
Students investigate air pollution in different parts of New York City.
Environmental Science, Technology
Columbia Secondary School for Math, Science & Engineering
Students built a 3-D model for a city to exhibit alternate sources of energy to “Fuel their Future.” Models are constructed predominantly out of recycled materials to represent versions of a futuristic city with residential, industrial, and commercial regions.
Civil Engineering, Conservation & Sustainability, Technology, Game Design
New York City Water
Learn about NYC’s vital water supply and wastewater treatment systems, water conservation, water and air quality, and other environmental concerns. Create a working model of a watershed to see how rain effects the environment.
Civil Engineering, Conservation & Sustainability, Environmental Science
New York City Department of Environmental Protection > Follow on Twitter > Like on Facebook
Countee Cullen School / PS 194
Clean Energy or Unclean Energy – “What’s the Difference?” – Students will investigate these two kinds of energies and decide if the use of clean energy has really made a difference to earth’s environment.
Choir Academy of Harlem / HS 469
Through the school’s sustainability green team project, students will investigate recycling, waste reduction, energy conservation and ecology.