Activity Booths and Exhibits > 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Chemistry of Life
Learn interesting facts related to Chemistry. Participants will be able to perform fun experiments and learn about the theory behind them.
>Baruch College STEP Academy > Follow on Twitter > Like on Facebook
Stars, Comets, Galaxies
Come learn what comets are made out of, how stars live and die, how many galaxies there are in the universe, and how astronomers know all this from just looking through telescopes. Ask us how you can have an astronomer come visit your school!
> Columbia University – Department of Astronomy > Follow on Twitter > Like on Facebook
Amazing Science!
Make Ooblek and Whirligigs. See how STEM activities can help us to better understand the world around us and are a lot of fun!
> City College of New York
PS/MS 161 / Pedro Albizu Campos
Students take on the following investigations: Which school environment has the most bacteria, and which antibacterial is the most effective? Catapults: students make catapults and test the distance they can launch a ball. Which paper airplanes will fly the furthest? Which sunscreen is the most effective? How can we grow crystals?
Biology, Physics, Consumer Science
Thurgood Marshall Academy Lower School / P.S. 318
Students take on the following investigations: Forever Young– Exploring the use of vitamin E and its claim to keep skin looking young.
The Life Cycle of the Mealworm – Students will study the life cycle of the mealworm and collect data during the different stages of the life cycle.
A Lifesaver for Sliced Apples– Students will learn why apples turn brown when sliced and decide which agent will prevent apple slices from turning brown.
What’s the Best Way to Clean a Penny? – Second graders brainstormed ideas and tested 5 of them out. After additional research, they tested 2 more ideas.
Whooooo’s in There?– Students will perform an owl pellet dissection.
Which is the Best Soil? – Students will be able to determine which soil would be best to help desert plants grow.
Physical Science Comes Alive with Art– Blow off STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) when you visit our table! Students will make wind-up toys and movie machines, while they explore potential and kinetic energy. This hands-on activity will showcase a pilot project offered by City Technology from CCNY and Doing Art Together at TMALS. (Funding for this project was generously provided by CUNY’s City College Grove School of Engineering.)
PS/MS 129 / John H. Finley School
Science, Math, Technology
Students will investigate the following: How can we bend light with straws and water? How can we make ice cream using salt and ice? How can we construct a model to show how the heart pumps blood to the lungs and the rest of the body? How can we model the formation of craters on the moon? How does air pressure make an egg go through a bottle? How can you use the sun to filter undrinkable water?
Earth, Life and Physical Science
Thurgood Marshall High School / MS/HS 670
Students investigate the following: The Body at Work! Witness dissections of various mammalian body parts to learn about the physiology of organs. I Scream for Ice Cream! The science behind making ice cream and enjoy a tasty sample of the cool treat!Is Organic Better? Learn about whether vitamin C levels differ between organic fruit and vegetables versus non-organic products. Potions and Lotions! The science behind making aromatic lip balms.
James McCune Smith Community School / CS200
Students will investigate the world of microorganisms. In this exhibit student will design their own hands on experiment and investigate how environmental changes affect yeast cells. After, students will learn how to quantify their data.
Frederick Douglass Academy / HS 499
Learn the physics behind roller coasters and use prototypes to apply the physics. Investigate: projectile motion, aerodynamics, series and parallel circuits friction. gyroscopes, and thermodynamics. Use a flight simulator and air traffic control. How is DNA extracted? Hydroponics, Mendelian Genetics, germination patterns of seeds.
Physics, Biology
PS 36 / Margaret Douglas School
Learning via video clip and art projects (Pre-K), Effect of Trees on the Environment (K), Insects and the Food Chain (Grade 1), Decomposition-Pebbles, Sand and Silt (Grade 2), Measurement, The Third Degree on Weather Reporting (Grade 3), Food Chains & Webs: Survival of the Fittest: Life’s Necessary Balance (Grade 4), Landforms (Grade 5)
Renaissance Leadership Academy /I.S. 286
Students investigate the following: digestive system, tectonic movement model, simple machines robot, growth of plants under various light conditions, effects of food coloring on flowers, science of blood pressure and pulse.
Anatomy, Earth Science, Physical Science, Biology
Bread & Roses High School/HS 685
Building a Cloud Chamber: Cosmic rays are subatomic particles from space that strike our atmosphere and create a shower of secondary particles that are studied at the earth’s surface. Observe subatomic particles that are too small to detect, and learn about the conditions that exist inside the cloud chamber which allows us to study the cosmic rays.
Physical Science, Physics, Energy
Mahalia Jackson School /PS 123
Math Is In The Air: Students display how math and science is in their world by examples of how to find area, pie, circumference, temperature, and fractions of pie. Plants: How a plant grows Bones: The bone without calcium. Acid Rain: The results of acid rain on plants. The Heart How to stay heart healthy. Force and Motion. The results of crash tests. Things that Move: Animals and their movement. Poetry Is/Phi Delta Kappa Beta Epsilon chapter: Poetry Across The Curriculum. Phi Delta Kappa Bets Epsilon chapter with Rope Rhyme. A poetic journey to engage all learners . Sink and Float: Students will discover the objects that sink in water and the objects that float.
PS 46 / Arthur Tappan School
Give It a Lift with a Lever. Did you know that you can lift an object that’s heavier than you are?
Build a tabletop lever and measure how much effort it takes to lift an object using it.
What’s the Fastest Way to Cool a Soda? So you’ve just finished mowing the lawn on a hot summer day.What’s the fastest way to get a soda down to a cold, drinkable temperature with materials readily at hand?
Engineering, Math, Science
PS 92 / Mary McLeod Bethune School
“Circuit City” Why do we plug lamps, washing machines and other electrical appliances into wall sockets? Can current move faster, better or easier if the wires are thick or thin?
“Exploring the Pond” Who or what lives in a pond? Students will construct a pond habitat showing: Plant life, Food chain in a pond community, Changes that occur with seasons, Animal life “Do the Eyes have It? Students will test to determine if people have better visual memory (eyesight) or auditory (hearing). Will people remember something better after seeing it or hearing it?
“Fruit Power – A Study of Alternative Energy” Students create their own battery with the use of citrus fruits. Students will also test the power of different citrus fruits.
“Skateboard High” Will it go slowly? Will it go fast? Will it go far? Investigating the variables that affect a skateboard’s speed.
“Magic Lima Beans” Ready, Set, Grow! Students will make predictions about two controlled groups of Lima Beans and then monitor the variables contributing to growth and non-growth.
Harriet Tubman Learning Center / PS 154
The Effect of Sunlight on Plants: Students demonstrate how sunlight is a necessary process for growth
Climate, Season and Weather
Can Dirty Water be Purified? How does the city clean our water?
Friction: Does it prevent objects from moving?
Volcanoes: Why and how do they erupt?
Think Before You Eat and Make Healthy Choices: How do food groups help us sustain life?
The Gliders: How does motion effect air travel?
Science, Living Things, Physics, Food & Food Systems, Natural Sciences