Activity Booths and Exhibits > 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM 


Google and You!
Explore some fun products with New York Googlers and NYC teachers. We’ll make our mission of organizing information and making it universally accessible and useful come to life! Visit the Google Classroom and go to interactive learning sessions to get more in-depth ideas on how to use Google applications like Google Docs, Earth, Maps, Sites and more. New this year: Special sessions for educators on using Google technology in your classroom!
Computer Science, Engineering, Information Technology , Innovation
Google > Follow on Twitter > Like on Facebook

Come Play with Math!
Interactive math software for elementary through high school.  Join us and make fractions, algebra, geometry and data come alive.
Math, Technology, Geometry

Key Curriculum > Follow on Twitter > Like on Facebook

Kumon Math Games
Race against each other or a stop watch to place magnetic numbers on our number boards.
Kumon > Follow on Twitter > Like on Facebook 

Full-Color Wireless Graphing Calculators
Hands-on fun with the new Texas Instruments, full-color, TI-Nspire CX, wireless graphing calculator, with 3-D graphing, screen capturing, and document creating capabilities
Math, Technology, Geometry, Information Technology
Texas Instruments > Follow on Twitter > Like on Facebook

Divine Discoveries
You are the archeologist, exploring artifacts from the largest Cathedral in the world! Use your senses to make observations, form a hypothesis, and find out if you came to the right conclusion about the relics found in the Cathedral.
Architecture, Geometry, Engineering
>The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine > Like on Facebook 

High School for Math, Science & Engineering at City College
See a working robot able to perform tasks autonomously and under control. Some cool substances you’ve never seen before will also make an appearance!
Robotics, Chemical Engineering

Teachers College Community School
Students designed their own robots – interact with the robots and see of video of the students building.
Pre-Engineering, Robotics

Mott Hall High School
A simple game awarding points is developed against a static background using avatars and objects. Display will describe the methodology and student feedback/assessments.
Technology, Math

KAPPA IV Middle School
Students demonstrate motion sensors and robotics.
Integrated science, Math, Technology

Talk to the World Without a Cell Phone 
Learn about radio communications and try it for yourself. The basics of how signals circle the globe are explained as well as how radio works during emergencies like 9/11 and hurricanes. Learn how you can get an FCC license to start your own station at home.
Information Technology, Math, Physics
New York City Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Service (NYC-ARECS) > Follow on Twitter > Like on Facebook

Countee Cullen School / PS 194
Math Madness-Science Move Over – Students will explore and show how math and science have many connections.
Math, Science 

The Ralphe Bunche School / PS 125 
Floating: For the Early Childhood: Participants will be able to predict and then identify objects that  sink and float.

For the Upper Elementary: Participants will be able  to design a boat that will hold the most mass.
Hovercraft: Participants will learn how to create a balloon hovercraft. They will be a able to test the sample hovercrafts.
Balance and Motion: Participants will investigate how things balance.
Structures: Participants will be able to  design and build structures.
Engineering, Physics, Science

Columbia Secondary School for Math, Science & Engineering / MS/HS 362 
Students worked on a long-term inquiry groups to research, investigate, design and construct a 3-D model for a city that reflects some alternate sources of energy to “Fuel their Future.”  Using Sim City 4 software, they designed a virtual city and built on their experience with a narrative to add more clarity to their vision. Students collaboratively decided on key features and constructed scaled 3-D models predominantly out of recycled materials to represent their version of a futuristic city with residential, industrial, and commercial regions.  
Also, students have been working on a culminating project in science exploration focused on a project of their choice, some culminating in authentic game designs.
Engineering, Technology, Conservation & Sustainability 

Henry Highland Garnet School for Success / PS 175 
Engineering the Future: four “Soccer Robots” playing together on a soccer field. The Robotics will move forward, backward, left and right as well as kick the soccer ball. Students exhibit additional winning projects from the school’s curriculum fair.
Engineering, Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science